Quest:A Bucket Left Behind

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A Bucket Left Behind
Level 13
Type Solo
Starts with Lornel
Starts at Idhobel
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 18.9W]
Ends with Lornel
Ends at Idhobel
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 18.9W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You are not the first person to volunteer to help me, but I hope you will be more reliable than the last.

'I had need of clean river water with which to prepare several of my medicinal remedies, and I sent a man to fill a bucket with such water to the west. He returned, and safely, but he left the bucket behind! I would not wish him to endanger himself, but he did volunteer for this service. The least he might have done would be to return my bucket.

'Could you retrieve it for me? To hear him describe it, it should be standing on a shelf of rock beside the river, to the west of here, still full of water.'


You are the second person to volunteer your help to Lornel, and he hopes you will prove more dependable.

Objective 1

  • Find the water bucket along the river west of Idhobel

Lornel's bucket was left somewhere beside the river west of Idhobel.

Objective 2

  • Carry the bucket of water back to Lornel at Idhobel

Lornel's bucket was left somewhere beside the river west of Idhobel.

Lornel smiles as you deliver his water bucket

Objective 3

  • Talk to Lornel at Idhobel

Lornel is by the camp-fire at Idhobel.

Lornel: 'I could have done without the drenching, my friend, but even so: thank you for retrieving my bucket. You have proven both reliable and unexpected, and each of those qualities brings a smile to my lips.
'Perhaps next I should retrieve a towel? No, I will be fine. Worry not, and neither shall I.'