Quest:Finding Berkha

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Finding Berkha
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Raghda-gûn
Starts at Aklâradum
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [12.0S, 125.5W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain The Roc
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I hate to ask this of you, but could you track down Berkha? I would normally have a friend go search, but the turmoil in recent months has seen many rocs find new perches in calmer seas.

'Hmm? Do I not have a mate to help protect my nest? Alas, he is no longer with me.

'What? No he's not dead. His mother is ill so he went to go care for her. What did you think I meant?

'Anyway, please go find Berkha. Perhaps he went down near the caldera lake where I first found him.'


The little bird, Berkha, has gone missing! His mother, Raghda-gûn, has bid you find him.

Objective 1

  • Search for signs of Berkha at Irkhadâr (0/3)

Raghda-gûn asked you to find Berkha in Irkhadâr, the caldera lake in Zamarzîr. Irkhadâr is north of Aklâradum.

There is no sign of Berkha here
Sadly, there is no sign of Berkha
You find a few duck feathers. Perhaps Berkha has been nearby

Objective 2

  • Find Berkha

Raghda-gûn asked you to find Berkha in Irkhadâr, the caldera lake in Zamarzîr. Irkhadâr is north of Aklâradum.

You hear a loud quacking from the lakeside shore.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Berkha

Berkha announced his presence at the shore of Irkhadâr. Speak to Berkha.

Berkha: The duckling tilts his head at you, as if quietly asking 'Why were you swimming around in that lake?'
When you reach down to pick him up, he happily leaps into your arms.
He's had his fun. It's time to return to Raghda-gûn.

Objective 4

  • Talk to Raghda-gûn

You have found little Berkha and should take him back to Aklâradum. Aklâradum is on a cliff to the south of Irkhadâr.

Raghda-gûn: As you approach, Berkha cradled safely in your arms, you see that Raghda-gûn has more guests. One of them, a familiar greasy looking man, lies dazed on the ground, his vacant eyes fixed on the sky above. The other two you may have seen in passing on the streets of Halrax.
'Berkha!' Raghda-gûn shouts as you approach. 'What have I told you about going off on your own?'
Berkha quacks and nips at your sleeve.
'We will speak later, young man.'
Raghda-gûn fixes her clever eyes on you.
'You have my thanks. Now, I believe you know this gentleman taking up space on the ground?'