Quest:Feeding the Need

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Feeding the Need
Level 47
Type Solo
Starts with Ríki
Starts at Zigilgund
Start Region Forochel
Map Ref [9.4N, 81.2W]
Quest Group Forochel
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Mining, and the other sort of work we do around here, makes for hungry dwarves, as you can well imagine.

'Our stores are running low, however, especially since one of our supply lines was attacked and looted. We are low on everything -- cloth, ale, tanned leather and hides, fastenings and armour trimmings...the worst, however, is that we're very low on meat.

'Elk-meat dries, smokes, freezes, and cures nicely, as well as making for juicy roasts. Bring me some back, if you can. You can find Elk throughout Länsi-mâ.'


Ríki is worried about low supplies for his hungry miners.

Objective 1

Elk can be found throughout Länsi-mâ.

Ríki has asked you to help restock Zigilgund's stores with Elk-meat.

Ríki : 'You can't find Elk? Or are you no good at hunting them? Serves me right for asking a stranger to help.'

Objective 2

  • Bring the elk-haunches to Ríki at Zigilgund

Elk can be found throughout Länsi-mâ.

Ríki has asked you to help restock Zigilgund's stores with Elk-meat.

Ríki : 'Excellent! I can practically taste the steaks now.
'We will put a few of these onto the fire right now -- no hungry dwarf will be able to resist that sizzle once they hear it! And the rest will contribute to travel rations and our stores.
'Well done, <name>. You will be remembered with every full belly.'