Quest:Do You Know...Candaith?

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Do You Know...Candaith?
Level 22
Type Solo
Starts with Dale Sageford
Starts at Weather Hills
Start Region Bree-land
Map Ref [28.3S, 41.4W]
Ends with Candaith
Ends at Candaith's Encampment
End Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [30.1S, 37.9W]
Quest Group Lone-lands
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Candaith? The name doesn't sound familiar to me. I know this. We have hunted in the shadow of Weathertop and seen signs of a camp. It is possible that the man you seek camps there.

'The camp can be found at the western base of Weathertop.'


Hunters in the Midgewater Pass may know the Ranger is certainly worth a try to see if they know the Ranger who watched the Lone-lands.

Objective 1

Candaith is at his camp on the western side of Weathertop.

The hunters do not know the name Candaith, but they have seen the makings of a camp at the western foot of Weathertop.

Dale Sageford: 'Search the camp at the western base of Weathertop. Maybe the person you are looking for is there.'
Candaith: 'Hunters out of Bree knew of my whereabouts? I shall need to be cautious and redouble my efforts to hide my supplies in the future.
'Now, what brings you to the foot of Weathertop? Surely you did not realize that there was a lone Ranger in the shadow of Amon Sûl who needed your aid?'