Quest:Death to the Puny Mine-dwellers
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to ongoing changes in-game, this Quest is now obsolete. |
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Level | 56 |
Type | Small Fellowship |
Starts with | Dómárr |
Starts at | The Twenty-first Hall |
Start Region | Zelem-melek |
Map Ref | [5.9S, 105.0W] |
Quest Group | Moria: Zelem-melek |
Quest Chain | The Durub |
Quest Chain |
The Durub |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'It is said that you should know your enemy, <name>: in this case, Orc-kind. Their distrust for all types of creatures, including their own, is well-known. Separate groups will band together, usually when forced to for protection, but at heart the Orc is a suspicious, conniving beast with little patience for the thought of long-term consequences. These are their weaknesses, and we will use them to the fullest. 'The Durub have not yet discovered that we are the ones attacking them. They believe the Orcs of Moria are shouldering their way into Durub territory. It is time to make those thoughts a reality. If the banners of Moria fly over the shrines of the Durub, either the chosen or Mordor will have no choice but to respond to this challenge with the most lethal of force. 'Return to Gazatu-ru and find the shrine in the centre of camp. Plant this banner there, then hide yourself away. It will not take long before the Durub, the chosen of Mordor, march to war.' BackgroundThe last part of Dómárr's plan is to trick the Durub Orcs into viewing Mazog's Orcs as a challenge to their dominance and threatening their territory. Objective 1
The Durub shrine is in the camp of Gazatu-ru, south of the Twenty-first Hall. Dómárr has asked you to plant a Moria banner upon the shrine in the Durub Orc-camp. He believes this will enrage them and cause them to attack the Orcs of Mazog. Objective 2
The Durub shrine is in the camp of Gazatu-ru, south of the Twenty-first Hall. Dómárr has asked you to plant a Moria banner upon the shrine in the Durub Orc-camp. He believes this will enrage them and cause them to attack the Orcs of Mazog. Objective 3
Dómárr is at the Twenty-first hall, north of Gazatu-ru. Dómárr will be pleased to hear Mazog's banner has been planted on the Durub shrine and the Orcs of Mordor are marching for war. Dómárr: '<name>, you increase the glory of <class> everywhere through your bravery and example! I am proud to have known you, however briefly. 'Should you ever require aid within the hallowed halls of Khazad-dûm in the future, know that Dómárr is at your service and that of your family.' |