Quest:Daily: Essence for Elixirs

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Daily: Essence for Elixirs
Level 150
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Landscape
Start Region Dil-irmíz
Ends with Kavíra
Ends at Jadambor
End Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.5S, 143.6W]
Quest Group Defending the Umbar-môkh
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

There are many shades throughout western Dil-irmíz. Kavíra, the healer in Jadambor, would surely be grateful if you restocked their supply of shade essence.


Essence from defeated shades has many uses. Bring some to Kavíra, the healer in Jadambor, to help resupply their stores.

Objective 1

  • You found shade essence.

You have gathered shade essence from the shades in the area. Kavíra, the healer in Jadambor would have use of these.

Objective 2

Shades can be found to the west of Jadambor.

Collect their essence and bring it to Kavíra in Jadambor.

Collected shade essence (10/10)

Objective 3

Bring the shade essence to Kavíra in Jadambor in western Dil-irmíz.

Kavíra: You hand Kavíra the shade essence you have collected.
'Your kindness warms my heart, <class>! These will be invaluable in helping our efforts down here. I can not have too many elixirs in my stores. Please take this for your troubles.
'If you happen upon any more I will be glad to take them off your hands.'