Quest:Cultivation: Strong Roots from Good Water

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Cultivation: Strong Roots from Good Water
Level 150
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Faranil
Starts at Glân Vraig
Start Region Ettenmoors
Map Ref [21.1S, 13.6W]
Quest Group Ettenmoors Cultivation
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It is important that we nurture this little sapling. We should be careful to only provide for it from the natural habitat where it was found. I believe, to strengthen its roots, we should provide it with water from the natural springs found within the Ettenmoors. I have collected flasks that you can use to can fill with water from the springs and rivers around the Ettenmoors.

'If you are able and willing to continue nurturing your find, I will mark your map with the locations where you should collect the water. Return to me when you have the specimens and we will strengthen the roots of this fledgling creature.'


Faranil believes that one of the keys to growing your sapling well is the water that it consumes. She provided a map of the purest locations along the Hoarwell River and sent you with phials to collect the water.

Objective 1

  • Collect a phial of Hoarwell water at the first location
  • Collect a phial of Hoarwell water at the second location
  • Collect a phial of Hoarwell water at the third location
  • Collect a phial of Hoarwell water at the fourth location
  • Collect a phial of Hoarwell water at the fifth location

Faranil marked your map with many locations within the Ettenmoors where you can collect some of the purest water that the Hoarwell provides. She then gave you phials, asking that they be filled at locations she marked for you.

Collect the water here; it is vibrant, clear, and clean


The surrounding water is not clear or vibrant


Hoarwell water collected

Objective 2

You collected the phials of pure water from the Hoardale. Return them to Faranil at Glân Vraig.

Faranil: 'This is perfect, my friend. I shall introduce the water to the sapling and help aid in strengthening its roots. In time, we will see the fruits of your labour.'