Quest:A Sapling Grows in the Ettenmoors

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A Sapling Grows in the Ettenmoors
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Faranil
Starts at Glân Vraig
Start Region Ettenmoors
Map Ref [21.1S, 13.6W]
Quest Group Ettenmoors Cultivation
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Mae Govannen. I am Faranil, a tender of gardens and trees. You would rightly ask why one such as I would enlist to defend this accursed place, and I will tell you.

'After centuries in Rivendell, a tremor in the earth stirred my heart to action and drew me over the pass to this place. Lainedhal affords me a plot to study, learn, and seek what calls to my heart, but he cannot spare soldiers to defend me across these lands.

'I know that something awaits us beyond the gates of Glân Vraig, something wonderful and new, but I dare not make the journey.

'I wonder, friend, will you?

'I do not know what has awoken, but you will know when you see it.'


While wandering through the woods of the Ettenmoors you discovered a sapling shaking in the soil. Odd, that a little sapling would move while you drew near. You investigate.

Objective 1

Search the Ettenmoors for the tremor that stirred the earth, collect it and return it to Faranil at Glân Vraig.

You attempted to extract the sapling

Objective 2

  • Collect and deliver the sapling to Faranil at Glân Vraig

This was unexpected. Try once more to collect the sapling. Faranil, in Glân Vraig, wants to study the trembling little sapling.

You attempted to extract the sapling
You deliver the sapling to Faranil

Objective 3

  • Speak with Faranil at Glân Vraig

Having delivered the sapling to Faranil, you should now speak with the horticulturist to see what she may know of this little sapling.

Faranil: 'I wonder what this could mean. Surely there is healing happening in these lands. I think we shall need to investigate further. When you are prepared speak with me about this little gift. We shall embark on an adventure together, I think.'