Quest:Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Radanir)

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Chapter 1: Separate Ways
Level 75
Type Solo
Starts with Radanir
Starts at Gravenwood
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [81.0S, 10.9W]
Ends with Prestadír
Ends at Gravenwood
End Region Dunland
Map Ref [80.8S, 10.6W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 5
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Prestadír is up by the camp, north-east of here. He will want to say good-bye to you before you leave us.'


The time has come for your path to diverge from that of the Grey Company, and you should bid farewell to the Rangers.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Prestadír by the winding road up to the camp in the Gravenwood

Prestadír is to the north-east of Radanir, by the path that winds up to the camp in the Gravenwood.

You should now say your good-byes to Prestadír.

Radanir: 'Prestadír is to the north-east, near the camp. He will want to say goodbye to you next.'
Halbarad: Halbarad nods at you, and keeps his peace.
Corunir: Corunir nods at you, but there is nothing left to say and he keeps his peace.
Golodir: Golodir nods at you, but there is nothing left to say and he keeps his peace.
Calenglad: Calenglad nods at you, but there is nothing left to say and he keeps his peace.
Prestadír: 'I heard it was time for you to leave us, <name>. Be well on the road and give your courage to Théodred as you gave it to us.
'If you have the opportunity to rescue Lothrandir from the clutches of Saruman, I hope you will take it. It is not right for us to abandon him to the enemy. I know it does not look good for him, but there is always hope. You escaped from the pits of Isengard, and Lothrandir is made of stern stuff as well.
'I regret that we did not have the opportunity to speak more before this parting, my friend. Perhaps our paths will cross again, in happier days.'