Quest:Chapter 10.4: The Dreaming Dwarf

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Chapter 10.4: The Dreaming Dwarf
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with Statue of Mótsog
Starts at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Ends with Durin
Ends at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 10
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Something about the lifelike visage compels your eye, but the strange enchantment that encircles the statue of Mótsog resists your study. The feeling that you are being watched by an invisible presence grows stronger and more unwelcome.


There is something strange about this chamber and the statue of Mótsog it contains, but Durin has vowed not to rest until he unravels their mysteries.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Durin and unravel the mystery of the long-forgotten chamber

Durin contemplates the lifelike statue and the strange chamber in which it stands.

Durin: 'Something is not right, <name>. We are being watched. Can you sense it?
'Show yourself, villain!'
Completed: Instance: The Dreaming Dwarf

Objective 2

  • Talk to Durin in the Mótsog's Tomb

Durin stands in Mótsog's Tomb, shaken by what he has seen and experienced.

Prince Durin: 'I am... shaken, I confess it. Why does Mótsog show these visions to us, <name>? For what purpose would such a foe of my great ancestor give this knowledge to me? What does Mótsog hope to gain from aiding me thus?'