Quest:Bounty: Nakhrûd

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Bounty: Nakhrûd [sic]
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Bounty: Narkhrûd [sic]
Starts at Halrax
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [9.6S, 126.0W]
Ends with Hannax
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [9.7S, 126.1W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Bounty: Nakhrûd

Bring a precious silver-inlaid locket lost near the creature's lair and proof of the salamander's defeat to Hannax in Halrax. Nakhrûd makes its lair among its brood to the east of Halrax.


You accepted a bounty to hunt the salamander Nakhrûd to recover a locket and deliver proof of the beast's defeat.

Objective 1

The bounty requests the recovery of a silver-inlaid locket and proof that the best, Nakhrûd, was slain. Nakhrûd is said to nest among its brood to the east of Halrax.

Silver-inlaid locket recovered
You collected Nakhrûd's fang

Objective 2

After a quick battle, you dispatched Nakhrûd and took its fang, recovered the locket, and prepared to return to Hannax in the town of Halrax.

Hannax: 'Oh ho! Look at that locket.'
His demeanor suddenly shifts.
'Oh, and the salamander's fang. The locket belonged to my late mother. This locket's been in the family for generations, and you're the one to recover it for me. So, you're the one who'll reap the reward. It's not much, but it's all I have.
'I hope you understand. You're so kind.'