Quest:Bill's Safe Return

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Bill's Safe Return
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Bill
Starts at Torech Andraug
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.9S, 9.6W]
Ends with Glavroleth
Ends at Echad Dúnann
End Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.5S, 8.1W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have found Bill. His mane looks unkempt, and he has a wild look in his eyes, but otherwise he appears unharmed.

When you try to lead him away, he is hesitant to follow you, almost as if he is waiting for something or someone; he looks backward towards the walls of Moria expectantly.

With enough cajoling, you are able to get him to follow you.


You have found Bill the Pony and must escort him to safety.

Objective 1

  • Pick up the reins to encourage Bill to Follow you

You must lead Bill the Pony to safety.

You hear the howls of hunting Wargs nearby....

Objective 2

  • Find Bill's tracks to find the Wargs that hunt him (0/6)

Bill can be summoned using the horn you have with you. Bill's tracks can be found on the way to the road, closely monitored by sneaking Wargs.

You should find Bill's tracks to draw out and defeat the hunting Wargs.

(You may use the summoning horn to call him at any time.)

The predators approach....

Objective 3

  • Talk to Bill the Pony

You have made it to the road with Bill, and he seems to have the willpower to leave the gates of Moria behind now.

You should speak with Bill.

(You may use the summoning horn to call him at any time.)

Bill: You have made it to the road with Bill, and he seems to have the willpower to leave the gates of Moria behind now.
This is a stout little pony who will get where he needs to go without further nudging from you, but you did well to coax him out of dangerous territory.
Bill seems happy to move along now

Objective 4

  • Speak with an Elf at Echad Dúnann about Bill's passage

Glavroleth is at Echad Dúnann.

You should tell Glavroleth that you led Bill safely to the road.

Glavroleth: 'If he was set upon the road north, then no doubt he is heading for a familiar land. I do not worry that he will find safe passage; he has more sense than many beasts that come out of the lands of Men.'