Quest:A Wandering Pony

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A Wandering Pony
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Glavroleth
Starts at Echad Dúnann
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.5S, 8.1W]
Ends with Bill
Ends at Torech Andraug
End Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.9S, 9.6W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Many of the Elves of Echad Dúnann have seen a pony wandering among the hills; it seemed an odd place for such a beast, and a wonder that it survived with such great peril close at hand.

'I went myself in search of the pony, and when I caught sight of it, I immediately recognized the animal: it was the pony that the halfling, Samwise Gamgee, had kept stabled in Imladris.

'He had a wild look and had no bit or bridle. The pony was quite wary, but seemed in good health. I last saw him beyond the hills, west of Echad Dúnann in Torech Andraug. Go and see if you can clear a path for the pony to come back safely; the wild is no place for such a beast to roam by himself.'


Glavroleth spotted Sam Gamgee's pony, Bill, wandering near Echad Dúnann.

Objective 1

Bill the Pony was last seen in Torech Andraug, west of Echad Dúnann.

Glavroleth has asked that you find Bill the Pony and clear a path to safety.

Glavroleth: 'I last saw the animal in Torech Andraug, west of here.'
Bill: You have found none other than Bill, the loyal little steed of Sam Gamgee.
Bill looks like he is in a bit of a tight-spot in this Warg-infested area.