Quest:Baiting the Beast: Putting Meat on the Bones

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Baiting the Beast: Putting Meat on the Bones
Level 60
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hasta
Starts at The Rotting Cellar
Start Region The Water-works
Map Ref [15.1S, 112.2W]
Quest Group Special
Quest Chain Strange Creatures
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I am very glad to have your assistance in this matter, <name>. In order to give our lure the proper texture, we will need food similar to what our prey eats normally.

'The creatures we investigated earlier seem to eat a peculiar fish only found down here in the Water-Works -- Three-spined Stickleback.

'If you are an accomplished fisherman, you may use your skills in angling to catch these rare fish. Bring me a fair number of these, and I'll add it to our collection.'


Hasta is asking that anyone willing to help him should gather the various ingredients necessary to draw forth the menace from beneath the Water-Works.

Objective 1

Three-spined Sticklebacks can be fished from the Water-Works.

Hasta would like you to bring him five Three-spined Sticklebacks.

Hasta: 'Well done, <name>! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
'Be sure to speak with me again if you have more ingredients to add to the pile.