Quest:A Curious Hammer

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A Curious Hammer
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Halrax Rogue
Starts at Baj Khatûg
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [11.9S, 122.1W]
Ends with Ithurga
Ends at Halrax
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [10.1S, 126.1W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain A Curious Hammer
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The man's breathing is laboured, huffing and puffing against the large hammer, trying in vain to move it.

'Don't mind me.... I am here... on behalf of... Ithurga. He runs things... around Halrax.'

The man stops his efforts and wipes his brow, taking some time to compose himself.

'I'm supposed to remove this silly ornament and bring it to him.

'Myth and legend, and all that spooky stuff. Me? I don't believe it, but whatever the boss wants, he gets.'

The man moves to begin his struggles again, but stops to consider you.

'You reckon you can lift this?'


You came across a man, defeated not by battle, but by a strange hammer jutting out of a stone.

Objective 1

  • Pick up the hammer

The rogue was tasked with delivering this hammer to the leader of Halrax, Ithurga.

What is so special about this hammer?

Objective 2

  • Bring the weapon to Ithurga in Halrax

You have successfully removed the strange hammer from the stone. According to the man, you should deliver the item to Ithurga. Ithurga can be found in Halrax.

Ithurga: The seasoned rogue studies you and notices something in your possession.
'Well, well, well. Seems my faithful minion failed. What did you do to him? Judging by that hammer there, you either took it from him or took it for him.'
You explain the situation to him.
'I suppose I should thank you for bringing me the hammer? That is, of course, if you arrive here with auspicious tidings and intend to release it to me.'