Maze Time
- Navigating a maze is tricky business...especially after taking a swig of this brew.
- Duration: 2.5s
- Applied on expiration:
- Drinking this beer may not be the safest thing you could do.
- 2.0s
Maze Time
- It's Party Time! You feel an irresistible urge to find a Party...somewhere.
- Duration: 2.0s
- Applied on expiration:
- Drinking this beer may not be the safest thing you could do.
- 1.0s
Maze Time
- It's Party Time! You feel an irresistible urge to find a Party...somewhere.
- Duration: 1.0s
Effect Information
This is an effect of drinking Dire Beer in the Hedge Maze during the Spring Festival as part of the quest Disorientation.
At the end of the effect chain, your character is transported to a random point within the hedge maze.