Letters to Igash

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Deed Lore

Find various texts in the Grand Stair

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • Find Drums and the Beast
In this letter, Igash is briefed on the dire plans to wake the great beast that slumbers in a secluded corner of the Grand Stair.
  • Find the Highpeak Kennel Report
The Highpeak Kennel Report details the secret plans of the Warg-keepers in the Grand Stair, for they breed Wargs in ever-greater numbers to launch an assault upon the dwarves of Moria.
  • Find Pleas of the Loyal
Orcs loyal to Igash seem to have met a horrific end shortly after writing this brief scrawl, begging for assistance against a secret uprising of the White Hand. The plea failed to reach the eyes for which it was intended.
  • Find the Tome of Igash
This document is a log of Igash's deeds since the establishment of his rule in the Grand Stair.


   10 LOTRO Points
   <name>, Interceptor
   Increased Reputation with Iron Garrison Miners ( 700 )

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 55.
  • This deed contributes to the The Grand Stair meta-deed.
  • All the items, with the exception of the Tome of Igash, are dropped by random creatures within the Grand Stair and are not specific to any mob type. The Tome of Igash is not a random drop; it must be looted directly from Igash's corpse.