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Lotro Points are a way to obtain various content within the game using the ingame LOTRO Store -- from mounts, cosmetic items and buffs to quest and expansion packs.

Obtaining LOTRO Points

Lotro Points (LP) can be obtained in several different ways:

  • Purchase Lotro Points using real money. (Note: Any real money purchase automatically reclassifies you as a Premium subscriber.)
  • Lotro points may be acquired by redeeming Point Cards available from many different merchants.
  • Various Game Cards and retail "bundles" may also provide Lotro points.
See Acquiring LOTRO Points from Deeds
  • You get 500 Lotro Points every month as a Lifetime member or VIP. These are awarded on the anniversary of your Join Date.

Important information

Lotro Points are the currency of the LOTRO Store. Purchased Lotro Points are associated with a particular game account, and are available to any character from that account, across all servers.

Note that some items purchased from the LOTRO Store become bound to the purchasing character, while other items designated "Bound to Account" may only be shared by characters on the same server.

Lotro Store transactions are processed by third-party company Xsolla. As a consequence, there can be a short delay between earning LOTRO Points in-game, such as for Deed completion, and having the points available in the store. Xsolla assumed operation of the Lotro Store in September of 2015, replacing VISA Inc subsidiary PlaySpan.

Purchasing Lotro Points (USD)

Standard rates (Verified November 18, 2023):

Points Bonus Total Cost
500 100 600 $7.99 75.1 LP/$ $0.0133/LP
1,250 350 1,600 $19.99 80.0 LP/$ $0.0125/LP
2,200 950 3,150 $34.99 90.0 LP/$ $0.0111/LP
3,750 2,550 6,300 $59.99 105.0 LP/$ $0.0095/LP
6,250 4,750 11,000 $99.99 110.0 LP/$ $0.0091/LP
12,500 10,500 23,000 $199.99 115.0 LP/$ $0.0087/LP

Typical "Double bonus" points offered in the LOTRO Store (Verified December 31, 2024):

Points Bonus Total Cost
500 200 700 $7.99 87.6 LP/$ $0.0114/LP
1,250 700 1,950 $19.99 97.6 LP/$ $0.0103/LP
2,200 1,900 4,100 $34.99 117.2 LP/$ $0.0085/LP
3,750 5,100 8,850 $59.99 147.5 LP/$ $0.0068/LP
6,250 9,500 15,750 $99.99 157.5 LP/$ $0.0063/LP
12,500 21,000 33,500 $199.99 167.5 LP/$ $0.0060/LP

Typical "Triple bonus" points offered in the LOTRO Store (December 20-29, 2013):

Points Bonus Total Cost
500 300 800 $7.99 100.1 LP/$ $0.0100/LP
1,250 1,050 2,300 $19.99 115.1 LP/$ $0.0087/LP
2,200 2,850 5,050 $34.99 144.3 LP/$ $0.0069/LP
3,750 7,650 11,400 $59.99 190.0 LP/$ $0.0053/LP
6,250 14,250 20,500 $99.99 205.0 LP/$ $0.0049/LP
12,500 31,500 44,000 $199.99 220.0 LP/$ $0.0045/LP

Occasionally, usually around US holidays, there are special offers in the LOTRO Store to purchase Lotro Points at a cheaper rate.

Purchasing Lotro Points (EUR)

For buying points in euros (Verified December 31, 2024):

Points Bonus Total Cost
500 100 600 €5,99 100.2 LP/€ €0.0100/LP
1,250 350 1,600 €14,99 106.7 LP/€ €0.0094/LP
2,200 950 3,150 €29,99 105.0 LP/€ €0.0095/LP
3,750 2,550 6,300 €49,99 126.0 LP/€ €0.0079/LP
6,250 4,750 11,000 €79,99 137.5 LP/€ €0.0073/LP
12,500 10,500 23,000 €155,99 147.4 LP/€ €0.0068/LP

Typical "Double bonus" points offered in the LOTRO Store (Verified December 31, 2024):

Points Bonus Total Cost
500 200 700 €5,99 116.9 LP/€ €0.0086/LP
1,250 700 1,950 €14,99 130.1 LP/€ €0.0077/LP
2,200 1900 4,100 €29,99 136.7 LP/€ €0.0073/LP
3,750 5,100 8,850 €49,99 177.0 LP/€ €0.0056/LP
6,250 9,500 15,750 €79,99 196.9 LP/€ €0.0051/LP
12,500 21,000 33,500 €155,99 214.8 LP/€ €0.0047/LP

"Double bonus" and "Triple bonus" sales are also available in EUR at the same time when they are offered in USD.

LOTRO Point - Mithril Coin purchase rate

Many different goods and services are available in-game for Mithril Coins - especially the "travel to objective" button for quests.

  • One purchases Mithril Coins using LOTRO Points in the LOTRO Store in-game.
  • Mithril Coins are tallied in your Wallet on SSG Servers, as opposed to in the LOTRO Store at XSOLLA (formerly PlaySpan).
  • Unlike LOTRO Points, Mithril Coins are Account wide BY SERVER.
Verified 31 December 2024
Item Points Points per coin
Mithril Coin x5 50 LOTRO Point  10
Mithril Coin x25 250 LOTRO Point  10
Mithril Coin x100 850 LOTRO Point  8.5
Mithril Coin x250 2000 LOTRO Point  8.0

The "value" of a Mithril Coin varies depending upon how the underlying LOTRO Points were acquired.

Based on the tables above Mithril Coins themselves "cost" between 10 and 8 LOTRO Points each.

With PURCHASED LOTRO Points costing between $0.01 and $0.013 (USD) that places the "value" of a Mithril Coin at between $0.08 and $0.13 (USD).
  • Most players simply assume one Mithril Coin to be worth $0.10 (USD).