Item Talk:Great Axe of the Vales

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March on Gundabad barter item

There's a item barterable from the March on Gundabad quartermaster that has an identical tooltip but a different icon. Should I make a second item page for the barterable item (and the other cosmetic weapons to which this applies)? It also has a different appearance. --Ruby (talk) 19:05, 5 November 2020 (UTC)

Think all of the 'of the Vales' weapons from the March on Gundabad quartermaster already are in game. I suspected they are actually just copy pasted and wrongly named. doesnt make sense to call them of the Vales...
But in case it stays so - they should have their own pages anyway. --Drono (talk) 19:13, 5 November 2020 (UTC)
Funny thing about that is that their appearance matches the wall-mounted 'of the Vales' weapon decorations and the previous ones in game don't. In fact, the previous ones look suspiciously like the wall-mounted 'of Remmorchant' weapons. So something was incorrectly named, although where---that's their problem to figure out! I'll go ahead and make separate pages then, since I'm going to need new images anyway. Thanks for your input. --Ruby (talk) 05:11, 7 November 2020 (UTC)