Item:Shoulder Guards of the Doomfold - Renewed Alliance Recipe

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  Shoulder Guards of the Doomfold / Renewed Alliance Recipe
  • Requires: Doomfold Metalsmith crafting ability
  • "Using this scroll grants a Shoulder Guards of the Doomfold / Renewed Alliance Recipe."
  • Worth: 125 Silver 
Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold
Select Output
Doomfold Craft XP Earned: 8

Tool Required: Smithing Hammer
Facility Required: Superior Forge

0/5 Doomfold Ingot
0/1 Quality Doomfold Ingot

Optional: Critical Chance: 1%
0/1 Bit of Pure Gorgoroth Ore
☐ Use +35%
0/1 Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient
☐ Use +100%
Critical Success Produces:
Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold


Craft Item Critical Success
 Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold  Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold
 Bolstered Pauldrons of the Alliance Renewed  Bolstered Pauldrons of the Alliance Renewed

Item Information

This recipe can be bartered from Quartermasters at various locations in the Plateau of Gorgoroth for 30 Silver Signets of the Thandrim.