Item:Schematic: Catapult

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Schematic: Catapult
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • "Builds and deploys a catapult when used at the correct location outside of a fortified structure."
  • Worth: 55 Copper 
  • Stacks to 5

Item Information

This item can be used to deploy a Catapult outside of Lugazag, Tírith Rhaw, or Tol Ascarnen, while they are held by the opposing side.

Quest Information

This item is a selectable reward for the following quests:

Barter Information

This item can be acquired by trading  Commendation with the following NPCs:

Barterer: Rulum at Gramsfoot

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Schematic: Catapult 2,000 Commendations

Barterer: Alwuld in Glân Vraig

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Schematic: Catapult 2,000 Commendations