Item:Retired Essence Reclamation Scroll

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Retired Essence Reclamation Scroll
  • Item Level: 1
  • "Disenchant this item to receive an Essence or Tracery Reclamation Scroll selection box."
  • Worth: Copper 
  • Stacks to 50

Item Information

This item can not be obtained anymore. When Update 30.3 went live, every  Essence Reclamation Scroll in inventory or storage was converted to a Retired Essence Reclamation Scroll.


This item can be disenchanted into  Essence or Tracery Reclamation Scroll Selection Box.

If you attempt to disenchant a stack of scrolls, you will receive the following system message:

This action failed because the resulting stack is too large.

To resolve this issue, divide the stack into individual items.