Item:Remmorchant Stat Tome Box
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- Bind to Account on Acquire
- Cooldown: 5s
- "Use to select the Stat Tome, Tiers 15 - 20 Box of your choice."
Item Information
- This item has a chance to drop from bosses in the Remmorchant raid instance.
- This item has a chance to drop from bosses in the The Fall of Khazad-dûm raid instance.
- This item has a chance to drop from
Delvings Stat Tome Box from Tier 7-12 Delvings.
- This item has a chance to drop from boss 4 chest in the Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel raid instance at all tiers.
Tome Box Contents
You can choose any of the following Stat Tomes upon opening the Stat Tome Box.