Item:Outfitting Yourself and Others

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Outfitting Yourself and Others
  • Unique
  • Minimum Level 5
  • Starts Quest: Outfitting Yourself and Others
  • "A letter from the Masters and Mistresses of Apprentices who represent the many Craft Guilds of Middle-earth made certain that you received this letter inviting you to visit them."


This item is obtained from one of the following race specific item which is given to the character via an in-game mail (or directly) upon the completion of the Introduction Quests of the character creation:

Quest Information

This item starts the following quest:

Letter Content

The Crafting Guilds of Middle-earth thank you for all that you have done for the Free Peoples and would like to extend an invitation to speak with our representative, <NPC> at <location>.
We acknowledge your ability as a combatant and invite you to try your hand at less violent form of work, craftsmanship. You will find that <NPC> is an able teacher who can introduce you to pursuits ranging from cooking to scholarly to smithy and everything in between.
The Crafting Guilds of Middle-earth