Item:Officer's Axe of Gundabad (Item Level 460)

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Officer's Axe of Gundabad
  • Bind On Equip
  • Item Level: 460
  • One-handed Axe
  • 2579 - 4299 Westernesse Damage
  • 3439.3 DPS
  • +714 Might
    +468 Vitality
    +3593 Critical Rating
    +327 Fate
    Target: You have a small chance of lowering your target's Armour.
    -647 Armour
  • Normal
  • Durability 100/100
  • Minimum Level 135
  • Worth: 65 Silver 76 Copper 

Profession: Weaponsmith

​Crafting Tier: Gundabad (Tier 14)

​Recipe:  Gundabad-smithed Axe Recipe


Standard Critical
 Officer's Axe of Gundabad  Officer's Axe of Gundabad
 Soldier's Axe of Gundabad  Soldier's Axe of Gundabad
 Runner's Axe of Gundabad  Runner's Axe of Gundabad
 Weapon Master's Axe of Gundabad  Weapon Master's Axe of Gundabad

See also