Item:Hateful Worm Eye

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Hateful Worm Eye
  • "The eye of the worm is filled with hate, even removed from its host.

    This trophy is sought by Burglars, Captains, and Lore-masters."
  • Worth: 6 Silver 
  • Stacks to 100

Drop Information

This items drops off of the following:

The zone centering around [42.0S, 11.7W] and [41.5S, 9.2W] in Pend Eregion, Eregion,is an excellent area for these.

Quest Information

This item is turned in for the following class quests:

Barter Information

Barterer: Curiosities Vendor (Skirmish Camp)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Hateful Worm Eyes 250 Marks