Item:Faded Coffer of Adventurer's Armour - Light (incomparable Level 116)

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Faded Coffer of Adventurer's Armour - Light

Item Information

This was the previous version of the Coffer of Adventurer's Armour, but has been renamed, and may still be available.

The rewarded item will have a random item level level depending on the level of the character opening the coffer (higher-level characters will receive higher item levels). Note that the item level displayed in the tooltips in the 'Select an Item' box is irrelevant; the item level you receive will be determined after you click Select.

Item have a max level of 116 and max level 140.

 Reinforced Cap of the Adventure
 Reinforced Mantle of the Adventurer
Item:Reinforced Waistcoat of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Gloves of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Trousers of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Shoes of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Light Cloak of the Adventurer (level 116)
 Reinforced Soothing Cap of the Adventure
 Reinforced Soothing Mantle of the Adventurer
Item:Reinforced Soothing Waistcoat of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Soothing Gloves of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Soothing Trousers of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Soothing Shoes of the Adventurer (level 116)
Item:Reinforced Soothing Light Cloak of the Adventurer (level 116)
