Iron Garrison Resource Cache
Item Information
The Iron Garrison Resource Cache is contained within a chest found at the three profession specific Crafting Instances (CI), i.e. resource dungeons, in Moria:
- Deposits of
Chunk of Khazâd Skarn
- Deposits of
Magnificent Hide drop from many of the mobs you will encounter
While each of the above CI dungeons has profession specific resources in them, anyone may enter them and complete the quests, as the Quests involve killing creatures, and collecting items, not harvesting resources.
However the resource nodes contained within can only be harvested with the appropriate skill.
- When you enter each CI, you'll get a message that says the instance will reset in so many days/hrs/min, which happens twice a week. These timers have nothing to do with the quests, but everything to do with the resource nodes. The nodes only reset when the instances do, but you can still re-run the CIs the next day and complete the quests again, but the nodes won't be there whether you harvest them or not. So if you run the instances and don't harvest the nodes and then leave, when you return the next day the nodes will have de-spawned and you have to wait until it resets before they will appear again
Each quest completion rewards Iron Garrison Resource Token plus reputation with either Iron Garrison Guards or Iron Garrison Miners.
A key to an Iron Garrison Resource Cache can be obtained upon completion of the quests by bartering the Iron Garrison Resource Token received as a quest reward.
The chests can be opened with a Sturdy Iron Key that is obtained by completing quests within the crafting mini-instances like Sejer-tharâkh and Bult-kâr and earning
Iron Garrison Resource Token. Each
Sturdy Iron Key costs 6 6
Iron Garrison Resource Token.
The chest contains an item called Iron Garrison Resource Cache that when opened, contains as many as twelve of the following, so it is advised to have space in your bags:
The Iron Garrison Resource Cache may contain some of the following items:
Supreme Metalsmith Scroll Case
Supreme Tailor Scroll Case
Supreme Scholar Scroll Case
Supreme Woodworker Scroll Case
Supreme Weaponsmith Scroll Case
Etching of Moria
Relic of Khazad-dûm
Rune-carved Tablet
Tattered Khuzdul Parchment
Magnificent Hide
Log of Ilex Wood
Gnarled Ilex Branch
Chunk of Khazâd Skarn
Mithril Flake (Rare)
<more items will be added as discovered>>