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Image of Háma
Title Door-ward
Gender Male
Race Race of Man
Level 94
Difficulty Defender
Morale 71,016
Power 3,168
Region West Rohan
Settlement Edoras
Map Ref [62.3S, 72.8W]


Háma son of Léoferth is the doorward of Théoden, controlling entry to the Golden Hall of Meduseld in the name of his King. He holds the door one last time at Helm's Deep. You play as him in the Session Play Interlude: The Doorward.

In the Session Play Interlude: The Doorward, he has the following abilities:


Háma is found at Edoras and later at Helm's Deep [63.7S, 89.3W].

Quest Involvement

Before the Shadow, Book 2

Vol. III. Book 9

Vol. III, Book 11

Vol. III. Book 13