Glory in Future Victory (traited)

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Glory in Future Victory
  • Fast
  • Tactical Skill
  • The sight of your opponents falling before you catapults you into an empowering rage, giving you a burst of healing and increasing damage dealt and taken.
  • Requires a Defeat Response
  • +10% Skill Damage
  • Duration: 1m 30s
  • Heals 29,389 - 41,984 Morale initially.
  • Heals 29,389 - 41,984 Morale every 4.0 seconds for 20 seconds.
  • Cost: ... Power
  • Cooldown: 20s

General Information

Class: Orc Reaver

Rank: 1

Training Price: 500 Commendation 


Using this skill applies the effects  Glory in Future Victory (a minor HoT) and  Glory in Victory (an outgoing damage buff).

If an Enemy Defeat Response is active, this skill becomes  Glory in Victory.

Trait Information

If you do not have the trait Enhanced Skill: Glory in Victory equipped, your incoming damage is increased by 10%. This skill becomes  Glory in Future Victory.