Gaghnuz Iron-jaw

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Gaghnuz Iron-jaw
Level: 20 - 150
Instance: Harbingers of the Dead

Type: Varies
Genus: Beast
Species: Warg

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Fair
Song: Fair
Tactical: Fair
Physical: Fair
Common: Fair AncientDwarf: Fair
Fire: Fair Beleriand: Fair
Light: Fair Westernesse: Fair
Shadow: Fair Frost: Fair
Lightning: Fair

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 85 )  


Gaghnuz Iron-jaw is one of the Harbingers of the Dead found lurking in various skirmishes during the Ill Omens event.

It is also accompanied by a Ravening Warg.


 Feral Frenzy (Tier 1)  Attacking a bleeding target increases Iron-jaw's bloodlust!
 Feral Frenzy (Tier 2)  Attacking a bleeding target increases Iron-jaw's bloodlust!
 Feral Frenzy (Tier 3)  Attacking a bleeding target increases Iron-jaw's bloodlust!
 Feral Frenzy (Tier 4)  Attacking a bleeding target increases Iron-jaw's bloodlust!
 Feral Frenzy (Tier 5)  Attacking a bleeding target increases Iron-jaw's bloodlust!
 Gruesome Rend
 Deep Wound
 Permanent State Immunity
 Protection from Slows
