Falathlorn Standard House

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Falathlorn Standard House
Region: Ered Luin
Area: Falathlorn Homesteads
Location: [24.9S, 90.7W]

Falathlorn Standard Houses are the smallest personal houses available in Falathlorn Homesteads as part of the player housing system. Each neighbourhood contains 16 addresses with Standard Houses. The floor plan of the house is two small rooms, one above the other. Both rooms include a fireplace. The purchase costs are between 950 Silver  and Gold 150 Silver  with maintenance costs ranging between 47 Silver 50 Copper  and 57 Silver 50 Copper  respectively.

The default surfaces for Falathlorn houses are:

For more information about furnishing the Standard House, see house and furnishings.

Standard House Exterior


Address Coords Purchase Cost Upkeep
1 Haven Way [25.6S, 90.5W] Gold 150 Silver  57 Silver 50 Copper 
2 Haven Way [25.8S, 90.5W] Gold  50 Silver 
4 Haven Way [25.5S, 89.9W] Gold  50 Silver 
5 Haven Way [25.9S, 89.4W] Gold  50 Silver 
6 Haven Way [25.9S, 89.8W] 950 Silver  47 Silver 50 Copper 
10 Haven Way [26.5S, 90.4W] Gold  50 Silver 
11 Haven Way [26.7S, 90.3W] Gold  50 Silver 
12 Haven Way [26.6S, 89.9W] Gold  50 Silver 
3 Twinfall Path [27.0S, 91.0W] Gold  50 Silver 
1 Fairwood Lane [27.1S, 90.6W] Gold  50 Silver 
2 Fairwood Lane [27.4S, 90.5W] Gold  50 Silver 
5 Fairwood Lane [27.4S, 90.0W] Gold  50 Silver 
3 Waterbank Road [26.6S, 91.4W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
4 Waterbank Road [26.3S, 91.5W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
6 Waterbank Road [25.8S, 91.0W] Gold 150 Silver  57 Silver 50 Copper 
7 Waterbank Road [25.5S, 91.0W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 

Decorating Hooks

The Falathlorn Standard House offers 22 interior decorating hooks, 5 exterior decorating hooks and one 30-slot chest available for purchase. The decorating hooks can be filled with furnishings.

Hook Front Room Back Room Outside
Ambient Music 1
Doormat 1
Floor 1 1
Floor Colour 1
Floor Surface 1
Furniture 4 4
Yard 4
Wall 4 3
Wall Colour 1
Wall Surface 1
