Expansion Content: Mordor

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Expansion: Mordor

Unlocks the Mordor Expansion content. Travel through Udûn, the army of Mordor's staging grounds, to access the Plateau of Gorgoroth.

Adventure in Dor Amarth and Talath Úrul, the tortured lands circling Mount Doom. Face danger and your own fears in the chasms of Lhíngris and face corruption and evil in the hidden stronghold of Agarnaith. Access the Allegiance System to choose your faction and gain bonuses, new gear, and a unique story. The Mordor Instance Cluster and Raid are included.

2,495 LOTRO Point 

This LOTRO Store Item unlocks the following key features:

Land: Mordor
Allegiance System
The Mordor Instance Cluster

Visit The Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor expansion page for more information.

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