Enraged Toughness

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Enraged Toughness
  • Resistance: Corruption (...)
  • This monster has become enraged by your insolence!
  • -10-75% Incoming Melee Damage
    -10-75% Incoming Ranged Damage
    -10-75% Incoming Tactical Damage
    x1.05-1.33 Melee Damage
    x1.05-1.33 Ranged Damage
    x1.05-1.33 Tactical Damage
    +15% Run Speed

    Expires if out of combat for 9 seconds.

Effect Information

This effect has a chance to be triggered on a mob when a character in Landscape Difficulty 3: Fearless or higher successfully places a hit. The mob must be higher than or equal to the character's level minus 1.

This effect activates after the effect  Enraged Toughness Warning expires.

Enraged Effects share a joined trigger chance of 1.25%, so this effect has a 1.25% times 1:3 (3 effects total: this effect,  Enraged Power and  Enraged Speed) chance to be activated after each hit.

The specific incoming and outgoing buff amounts, provided by this effect on the mob, varies by your own character's level.

Stats Table (sampling various levels)

Character Level Incoming Damage Outgoing Damage
1 -10% x1.05
2 -10.834% x1.056
3 -11.667% x1.061
4 -12.5% x1.067
5 -13.334% x1.072
6 -14.167% x1.078
7 -15% x1.084
8 -15.834% x1.089
9 -16.667% x1.095
10 -17.5% x1.1
11 -18.334% x1.106
12 -19.167% x1.111
13 -20% x1.117
14 -20.834% x1.122
15 -21.667% x1.128
16 -22.5% x1.134
17 -23.334% x1.139
18 -24.167% x1.145
19 -25% x1.15
20 -75% x1.33
25 -75% x1.33
50 -75% x1.33
60 -75% x1.33
65 -75% x1.33
75 -75% x1.33
85 -75% x1.33
95 -75% x1.33
100 -75% x1.33
105 -75% x1.33
106 -75% x1.33
115 -75% x1.33
116 -75% x1.33
120 -75% x1.33
121 -75% x1.33
130 -75% x1.33
131 -75% x1.33
140 -75% x1.33
141 -75% x1.33
150 -75% x1.33