Dwarf-markers in Enedwaith
In eastern Enedwaith, within the area called Thrór's Coomb, there lie locations by the name of Nár's Peak and Mafân-mudun. The road up to Nár's Peak is fenced by appropriately Dwarf-like markers, and the same can be seen in Mafân-mudun, overtaken by the giants.
One easily passes them by... but look closer, and you'll see this, upon each of the four sides of a marker:

Cirth, no doubt. But what makes this bit of text curious is that it's not purely Angerthas Moria nor Angerthas Erebor, but rather a mishmash of the two, transliterating more or less as:
Thrôrz kumb
Her dhe exilz ov dhe lônlê mount'n dwelt
during dhe war ov dhe dwarvz & orks
"Thrór's Coomb"
"Here the exiles of the Lonely Mountain dwelt
during the war of the Dwarves & Orcs"
A nice little addition to the history of the place, together with being named after Thrór, Thorin Oakenshield's grandfather and the one who led the dwarves from Erebor to Dunland and Nár, the last dwarf to see Thrór's son and Thorin's father, Thráin, alive.