Difficulty 4: Fearless +1

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Difficulty 4: Fearless +1
  • You have chosen to face a more difficult challenge in the lands of Middle-earth.

  • At Fearless difficulty up to three members of your fellowhip may earn tokens of Heroism during battle.
    +20% Experience Gain on Monster kills.
    +5% Virtue XP Earned.

Effect Information

This effect is applied permanently upon you after completing the quest:

Complete an other quest from the Landscape Difficulty system, will remove this effect.

This effect also contains a number of stat modifications which are not visible, but are vital for it's purpose:

Non-visible Buff/Debuffs (rank 4)
Stat Magnitude
Outgoing Damage[1] x0.41
Finesse x0.771
Incoming Damage[1] x2.5
Mitigations -3.5%
  1. a b Incoming and Outgoing Damage debuffs are also affecting pets.