Crippling Bite
General Information
Class: Warg Stalker
Rank: Initial
Training Price: n/a
Using this skill decreases enemy movement speed and inflicts the effect Bitten.
Tactical Information
Crippling Bite is a most vital skill for not allowing your targets to gain distance on you, an undesirable situation especially if they are ranged. Keep in mind that the first reaction of a pounced-from-stealth victim is to run away. Crippling Bite thus increases the chance on a successful assault.
A second feat of Crippling Bite is the Bitten effect, which does nothing on itself, but it can be overwritten by a more powerful effect caused by certain skills:
Pounce: Chance to open a Warband Maneuver
Savage Fangs: Chance to apply Savaged (which increases attack duration and reduces Block rating) and Savage Wound (damage over time)
The timing of these skills is important: take Temporary State Immunity into account and realize that Savaged and Savage Wound do not stack with themselves.