Category talk:Vol. II. Prologue Quests

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Connection Lost!

I wonder how the connection between the final Quest:Epilogue -- Laerdan's Parcel of Volume I, Book 15, connects you to this continuation? The previous quest ends with Failloth in The Last Homely House, but suddenly we are supposed to speak to any one of three different quest givers, depending on race. I believe we should spell out at the end of Book 15 and at this chain how the connection is established. By mail? A not-mentioned quest? An owl? .... err, that was another fictional work, sorry ;)
Zimoon 13:26, 17 March 2012 (EDT)

I always figured that the two volumes were unrelated and totally separate stories. That is, you don't necessarily conclude Volume I before beginning Volume II, and similarly for Volume II and III. I think there may be a missing in-game mail and quest somewhere that guides you to Rivendell to begin Volume II at around level 45, but I could be wrong. Sethladan 09:27, 17 April 2012 (EDT)


Does anyone know where Beornings start their V2 prologue? If so, this page should be updated with that info. -- Gestrid (talk) 02:45, 24 April 2016 (UTC)