Category talk:Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath Quests

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Adding missing quests

After completing the wrapper quest "The State of the Expedition" Radagast in Thornholt has an additional quest "Eyes to the West". This quest sends players towards Rushgate and to places where other quest are available:

  • "Expect the Unexpected" (bestowed upon killing an orc)
  • "Of Unkown Origin"
  • "A Minor Squabble"
  • "A deadly threat"

--Dorri (talk) 09:23, 7 November 2018 (UTC)

Thanks. Adding quests.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 00:26, 8 November 2018 (UTC)

Request: Thornholt is now required to complete Expedition wrapper quest

It looks like at one point it was required to complete the wrapper quest in order to advance to the Thornholt quests. However, now it's required to do these quests to complete the Expedition quest. The wrapper quest is required to unlock the Skarhald dailies (aka the crafting resource instances) which are part of the way a person gains Embers of Enchantment each week, and other needed crafting ingredients (Dwarrowmarks, etc). This part:

(Note: Available after completing the wrapper Quest: The State of the Expedition. There is no known link to this quest, however it links to others.)

... may cause confusion now. However my wiki skills aren't up to modifying the text of a Category page. If someone could walk me though it I'll be happy to update it. Or I suggest moving it up above the other required quests for State of the Expedition. Maybe just after the Lore pages quests. With a comment like 'most of these quests will help fulfill the requirements for (SoE) wrapper and access quest' and/or 'this quest is required to begin the Skarhald daily crafting resource quests.' Acatlover2 (talk) 09:13, 4 August 2019 (UTC)