Category talk:Bree-land Epic Prologue Quests

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Too much edit required

This page is ridiculous. I had to change the level of a quest in three locations. It needs to be rewritten so that the content appears exactly once, regardless of transclusion or not. There is no need to micro-manage the display. Pick one that works for all cases.

I guess that is what was wanted when I somewhere asked if it was possible to make the quest-template make a transclusion part available with just
* [XX] Name of the Quest[ - Fellowshiptype|Festival|etc.]
but EoD said that was not possible. The idea was that if the quest could squeeze its level, name, and optional info in one transcluded string then locations, NPCs, whatever just had to transclude from the quest as such, no explicit details at each page. An updated quest would cascade to all stakeholders. But...
I have not spent the time to learn the underlying system of the wiki, tired when coming home from work I am fine with just chilling out tidying/adding content ;) .. and I have no reason to mistrust EoD. It would still be cool though.
In general I agree. But now life is not that simple, or rather, this wiki is not. We have two choices: make it look great, or make it not look great. Yes, content is most important, but a dis-appealing look happens to be like a tiny stain on an awesome looking suit, people remember the stain but not the suit. Yeah, human brains and emotions are just that...human :P
-- Zimoon (talk) 12:29, 8 September 2012 (EDT)
Hopefully a little easier to manage now. I moved the line "The Man prologue quests..." out of the category and just typed them into Bree-land Quests and Prologue Quests. The "previous" and "next" links for the epic books will only appear on category pages (this one) and quest pages (where this category is transcluded into the appropriate quest chains). If there's a problem with this, go ahead and roll back, otherwise maybe this can be applied to the other prologue categories? Sethladan 18:44, 8 September 2012 (EDT)
That looks great. -- Zimoon (talk) 20:30, 8 September 2012 (EDT)