Category:The Inn League Titles

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These titles are awarded for Inn League activities during various periodic festivals.
  • Inn League Member - For completing the Inn League's grueling test, you are now a true member.
Complete Inn League Initiation
  • Inn League Senior Member - For helping the Inn League members with their tasks, you have been promoted to Senior status.
Help 5 Inn League members with their quests for booze (replaces Inn League Member)
  • Inn League Notable - For helping the Inn League members with their tasks, you have been promoted to Notable status. With great pride, you will wear this title among the people.
Help 11 Inn League members with their quests for booze (replaces Senior Inn League Member)
Drink 23 unique alcoholic beverages throughout Eriador
  • Do-gooder - You're a good, helpful sort. Everyone appreciates you!

Pages in category "The Inn League Titles"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.