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Bugans are a race of small, Hobbit-like goblins[1] native to Enedwaith. Whether there is any blood relation between the two races is unclear but, over time, Bugans have adopted the appearance, dress, and building-styles of their Stoorish Hobbit neighbors. At times, they have even been mistaken for a "lost" tribe of Hobbit brigands. Bugans are aggressive and not friendly to outsiders.

Bugans do not appear in the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. They are inspired by the Bwgan, a type of goblin in Welsh folklore[1], and are one of several Welsh elements in the Enedwaith region of the game. Tolkien does mention Hobgoblins in his writing so it is plausible that Bugans could be one of the sub-species of Orc-kind.

However, his only mention of hobgoblins is at the very beginning of The Hobbit, where he describes them as the larger type of orc. He later realized that he had gotten the nature of hobgoblins backward, relative to traditional legends[1], but never corrected the reference in The Hobbit (though he seems to have used Uruk as the name for the larger sort of orc in Lord of the Rings). It is therefore ambiguous whether, in the world of Middle-earth, hobgoblins are larger or smaller than regular orcs.


See also: Boggart
