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Avancs are water-monsters of Dragon-kind, specifically a type of Worm due to their lack of wings. Avancs resemble a bizarre mix of crocodile and snapping turtle, suggesting a possible kinship with the Dread Turtles. They possess thick, armored shells covered in sharp spikes. Avancs are always ready to defend their territory. In Dunland, they can be found in swampy areas such as the Dunbog, by bodies of water like the lake at Tâl Methedras, in Lhun Avanc, an area said to be the lair of the legendary Great Avanc, and along the shores of the Great River. They have be found on both sides of the Misty Mountains, as far north as the Trollshaws and far south into Gondor and Rohan. They have even been spotted in Mordor.


In Celtic mythology, the avanc (also spelled afanc or addanc) is a reptilian monster that lives in lakes. They do not appear in the work of J.R.R. Tolkien but were added to The Lord of the Rings Online as part of the Welsh influence of the Dunland region.

See also

