Aniochán the Harrower

Aniochán the Harrower was an alchemist in Carn Dûm who worked out of Thaurisgar, the Vile Apothecary. He was eventually killed by his own experiments, and his body remains in the halls of Thaurisgar. While he no longer works in the apothecary, his works still remain and their effects are visible in the creatures that have now overrun the apothecary. According to his notes, his inner laboratory is locked and will only open if the Bile of Ifrinn is mixed properly. The Bile of Ifrinn is perhaps Aniochán's most dangerous creation; though its individual components are almost all deadly in their own right, together they can make the subject numb to pain, more aggressive, and physically stronger in many ways.
The last of Aniochán's research is guarded by the Earth-kin twins, Kurja and Kârsija, subjects of his experiments.