Quest:Chapter 8: Mazog's Reach

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Chapter 8: Mazog's Reach
Level 57
Type Solo
Starts with Brogur
Starts at The Chamber of Leadership
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [6.5S, 105.4W]
Ends with Bósi
Ends at The Chamber of the Crossroads
End Region Durin's Way
Map Ref [5.1S, 112.1W]
Quest Group Vol. II. Book 3
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Do not worry about Ashpar's dying words. The Orc was trying to save himself, but it was too late for words to do the trick.

'I wish that my own son had lived to accompany Bori on this adventure. There was honour enough for all, and it would have done Bróin some good to be a part of such a victory.

'You should bring my cousin Bósi news of his son's valiant successes over the White Hand! Perhaps it will cheer him from his gloom.'


Brogur has asked you to tell Bósi of his son's victory over the White Hand in Moria.

Objective 1

Bósi is in the Chamber of the Crossroads at the southern entrance of Durin's Way, north of the Great Delving.

Brogur has asked you to bring Bósi news of his son's victory over Ashpar and the White Hand orcs in Moria.

Brogur: 'Bósi will be pleased to hear of his son's victory over the White Hand! Return to the Chamber of the Crossroads at the southern entrance of Durin's Way, north of the Great Delving, and tell him of Bori's grand adventure.'
Bósi: Bósi listens keenly as you tell the story of his son's victory over Asphar and the White Hand, but his eyes fill with tears when he hears of the Orc's last words. He masters himself before speaking, and his face is stern once again.
'You though to bring me joy with this news of my son, <name>, and I am sorry that it does not. I know this "Mazog" of whom you speak, for it is a name I have heard, and recently.
'The White Hand is not the greatest threat to the dwarves inside Moria, friend. Ashpar was telling my son the truth. We are in grave danger.'