Quest:Chapter 7: The White Hand in Darkness

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Chapter 7: The White Hand in Darkness
Level 57
Type Solo
Starts with Bori
Starts at The Chamber of Leadership
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [6.5S, 105.4W]
Ends with Brogur
Ends at The Chamber of Leadership
End Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [6.5S, 105.4W]
Quest Group Vol. II. Book 3
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'When I give the word, Stilling and Wíli will set out for the guarded junction on the Eastern Road. Two hours after that, they will attack the outpost and attempt to convince the defenders that their force is of much larger size.

'Meanwhile, you and I will creep towards Stazgnâkh. If I am correct, the main force of White Hand orcs will leave the camp to defend the guarded junction on the Eastern Road. We will then enter the camp and find the leader of the White Hand orcs in Moria. Once he is dead, they will be leaderless and disorganized, and be of little threat to us!

'Speak to me when you are ready, <name>. If only Bróin could see our moment of triumph!'


The time has come for Bori to set into motion his daring plan to drive the White Hand from Moria.

Objective 1

Bori is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall, in Zelem-melek.

Bori is waiting for you to give the word, and he will then set his plan into motion.

Bori: 'Are you ready, <name>? We shall leave for Stazgnâkh, and I will give word to Stilling and Wíli that they should leave for the guarded outpost on the eastern road.
'We will drive the White Hand from Moria, friend; you will see!'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Bori

Bori is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall, in Zelem-melek.

Bori's plan has been successful, and you should now speak to him about it.

Bori: 'We are victorious, and my heart is brimming with pride. We have left the White Hand leaderless and in disarray, just as I had hoped to do!
'Furthermore, Stilling and Wíli returned unharmed from their dangerous mission. These Orcs have underestimated the ingenuity of dwarves!
'Still, I wonder what Ashpar meant when he spoke of 'the true power of Moria?' Perhaps my uncle can guess.'

Objective 3

Brogur is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall, in Zelem-melek, with Bori.

Bori is worried about Ashpar's final words, and wants you to ask Brogur for advice.

Bori: 'Speak with my uncle Brogur about Ashpar's last words. We have won a great victory today, but I am still a little worried by Ashpar's bravado.'
Brogur: 'My nephew need not be worried -- Ashpar was obviously making empty threats in an attempt to save his own life; I am proud of Bori for not giving in to the Orc's coercion.'