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Things to do:

 correct numeric values on deeds where wrong.
 add missing deeds
 try to make deed tables consistent (eg. East Rohan has hide/show in its title bar. Mirkwood doesn't).
 try to link consistently to deed tables (eg. Deeds on links to and The former is  table, the latter is not).

Following conversation with Drono on Discord: I shall move all the deed tables to their article pages, and leave the category pages basically raw.

Things to deal with:


  • Angmar Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Bree-land Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Dunland Deeds is redirect. Table has conditional sections with #ifeq. Skip for now.
  • Enedwaith Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect. Turns out that the Grey company transcludes this, but only wants part of the table.
  This cascades to Nan Curunir Deeds and Gap of Rohan Deeds
  • Ered Luin Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Eregion Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Ettenmoors Deeds is redirect. Move content, such as it is to article, replacing redirect. Table needs sourcing and constructing.
  • Evendim Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Forochel Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect.
  • Lone-lands Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect. Also changed redirect on "Lone-lands deeds" to point to new article
  • The Misty Mountains Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect. Also changed redirect on "Lone-lands deeds" to point to new article
  • North Downs Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect. Also changed redirect on "Lone-lands deeds" to point to new article
  • The Shire Deeds is redirect. Move table to article, replacing redirect. Also changed redirect on "Lone-lands deeds" to point to new article
  • Trollshaws Deeds




  • Gorgoroth Deeds It's mostly good, but the table has been broken into regional sections (which is reasonable, but inconsistent with smaller zones). Have fixed up the table headings to make them consistent.
  • Imlad Morgul Deeds

Instances Page of Deed Log

At the page for World Instances, each instance has its own tab. Some of these deeds also contribute to meta-deeds. Rewards from instance deeds include regional reputation points, Titles, LOTRO Points, Virtues, and more.