The Roar Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Roar (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Form Cooldown Range Source
 Encouraging Roar Heal Bear 4.5s 20m Set: Initial Skill
 Mark of Grimbeorn Buff Any 5s 20m Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Salve Heal Bear 45s 30m Set:  Nature's Salve
 Takedown Melee + Stun Bear 30s 6m Trait:  Takedown
 Nature's Mend Heal Man 3s 20m Trait:  Nature's Mend
 Levelling Roar Stun Bear 30s 20m Trait:  Levelling Roar
 Rejuvenating Bellow Heal Bear 9s 20.2m Set:  Rejuvenating Bellow
 Piercing Roar Ranged + Debuff Bear 30s 20m Trait:  Piercing Roar
 Nature's Bond Buff Any 2m 40m Trait:  Nature's Bond
 To Your Aid Heal Man 20s 30m Trait:  To Your Aid
 Overbearing Revive Any 3m 20m Trait:  Overbearing