Cape of Belfalas Stately House

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Cape of Belfalas Stately House
Region: Western Gondor
Area: Cape of Belfalas Homesteads
Location: [Cape of Belfalas]
A Stately House in the Cape of Belfalas
The Stately House is the smallest premium house available.
Notable Gondorian Magistrates and aging lords of reduced means have occupied these respectable abodes.
This house offers 124 interior decoration hooks, 18 exterior hooks, and access to shared housing storage.
Note: Upkeep is waived for VIPs.


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House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
1 Cliff Road [86.7S, 67.0W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
1 Bay Road [87.9S, 66.2W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
2 Bay Road [87.4S, 66.4W] 137 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
1 Cape Road [92.2S, 63.3W] 243 Mithril Coin   10 Writs Gold 
2 Cape Road [91.8S, 62.1W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
3 Cape Road [92.1S, 61.7W] 243 Mithril Coin   10 Writs Gold 

Note: Upkeep is waived for VIPs.
