Stat Calculation (normalized stats)

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Stats feed your character's abilities and likewise, they also feed your opponents abilities. The balance between these opposite sides is important for the game's difficulty.

In-game, stats are acquired from quite a number of sources and through it's history, the game has gone through a number of methods of calculating these stats. In the beginning, calculations were quite simple, with a value being the level * constant + optional some base value. This is a so-called Linear Function and produces a straight line in a graph. This was fine when the game's difficulty had a straight progress within a single entity as it started out with. However, with an increasing amount of expansions being added, this couldn't be maintained.

The solution was the introduction of a new system with 2 segments, based on level, with the split around level 75-76, item level 79-80. Old items were not updated, but newly introduced items were using the new system. Not many character level based stats were changed however. This all resulted in an incoherent system with stats progressing in different directions.

This brings us to the current system (introduced with Mordor expansion) and solution to the progression problems from the past: the Normal(ized) Progression or Standard Progression.

Standard Progression

The standard progression is like the previous systems, but uses a lot more straight lines which are between start and end points. These points are level based again, and so loosely based on level increases by expansions.
The standard progression needs to be fed with a progression base value, which is the other parameter besides level, and in return gives progression points.
Note that the Standard Progression is not used directly for calculating stats, but you can say it's the mother of all. Other progressions inherit directly from it, but add some flavor of their own.

Standard Progression Table

In the following table you can see all the 'graph' points. Each level based point has an associated progression multiplier. The number of progression points can be calculated as: Progression Multiplier * Progression Base Value and the result is optionally rounded (at the level 76 point to 100s).
The Relative Increase column shows the relative progression percentage from the end point in the previous section. Like for U21:Mordor, points 7&8: at level 106 the relative increase is +20% from level 105 and at level 115 this is +100% from level 105. The first section until level 75 is an exception and progresses 1 per level.

Point Number Character Level Progression Multiplier Rounded to Relative Increase Related Game Updates
1 1 1 +1 per Level up to U7:Shades of the Past
2 75 75
3 76 82.5 100 ~ +10% U8:Riders of Rohan – U17:The Siege of Minas Tirith
4 100 150 +100%
5 101 165 +10% U18:The Battle of Pelennor Fields
6 105 225 +50%
7 106 270 +20% U21:Mordor
8 115 450 +100%
9 116 495 +10% U23:Where Dragons Dwell
10 120 1125 +150%
11 121 1575 +40% U25:Minas Morgul
12 130 3150 +180%

Standard Progression Graph

Here is a graph of the Standard Progression. You can see that it's overall hyperbolic in shape. The start levels go up slowly, but at end levels this changes very rapidly.

Calculation Example

Calculation Example of progression points with ProgB (Progression Base Value) = 270 (Mastery, see Progression Base Values):

Point Number Character Level Progression Multiplier ProgMP * ProgB Rounded Progression Points
1 1 1 270 270
2 75 75 20250 20250
3 76 82.5 22275 22300 22300
4 100 150 27000 27000
5 101 165 44550 44550
6 105 225 60750 60750
7 106 270 72900 72900
8 115 450 121500 121500
9 116 495 133650 133650
10 120 1125 303750 303750
11 121 1575 425250 425250
12 130 3150 850500 850500

Progression Base Values

ProgB values grouped and sorted by value. You can see that the percentage calculation isn't always using the same value as in the calculation of the associated rating.

ProgB Value Group Percentage Main & Rating
10 Health ICMR, NCMR, Vitality
20 Power ICPR, NCPR, Power
40 Main Agility, Fate, Might, Will
280/3 Light Mit. Mitigations(Light) Light Armour
382/3 Medium Mit. Mitigations(Medium) Medium Armour, Physical Mitigation, Tactical Mitigation
130 Morale Morale
174 Heavy Mit. Mitigations(Heavy) Heavy Armour
200 Low B/P/E Chance, Critical Defence, Critical Hit Chance, Finesse, Incoming Healing, Resistance Block/Parry/Evade, Critical, Critical Defence, Finesse, Incoming Healing, Resistance
270 Mastery Physical Damage, Tactical Damage Physical Mastery, Tactical Mastery
350 Partial B/P/E Partial B/P/E Chance, Partial B/P/E Mitigation
400 Medium Devastating Hit Chance, Outgoing Healing Outgoing Healing
500 High Critical/Devastating Hit Magnitude

B-rating Progression (Percentage Calculation)

The progression of B-ratings as used in Rating to percentage formula inherits from the Standard Progression, but adds some modifications:

  • For levels up to 75: the Progression Base Value is rounded before multiplying it with the Progression Multiplier.
  • For levels above 75: values calculated from the straight lines between the starting and end points (so only between, not including start or end) are rounded to 10s.
  • In the second and third section the lines are beginning as usual at starting points 3(lvl76) & 5(lvl101), but after these points a new line is created which starts at the end level of the previous section, but with the starting value of current section.

This graph makes clear what's happening around lvl76 (lvl101 similar). Black is the resulting progression. Red is section 1 (points 1 & 2), yellow is from end point section 1 to start point section 2 and green is the modified line which is followed after the start point of section 2.

Calculation Example

Calculation Example of B-ratings with ProgB (Progression Base Value) = 382/3 (Medium Mitigations, see Progression Base Values):

Point Number Level Range Character Level Progression Multiplier ProgB Rounded ProgMP * ProgB Rounded B-rating
1 1-75 1 1 382/3 127 127 127
2 75 75 382/3 127 9525 9525
3 76 76 82.5 382/3 10505 10500 10500
3' 77-100 75
4 100 150 382/3 19100 19100
5 101 101 165 382/3 21010 21010
5' 102-105 100
6 105 225 382/3 28650 28650
7 106-115 106 270 382/3 34380 34380
8 115 450 382/3 57300 57300
9 116-120 116 495 382/3 63030 63030
10 120 1125 382/3 143250 143250
11 121-130 121 1575 382/3 200550 200550
12 130 3150 382/3 401100 401100

B-rating for level 65 = (127 * (75-65) + (65-1) * 9525) / (75-1) = (127*10 + 64*9525) / 74 = (1270+609600)/74 = 610870/74 = 8255
B-rating for level 75 = 9525
B-rating for level 76 = 10500
B-rating for level 77 = (10500 * (100-77) + (77-75) * 19100) / (100-75) = (10500*23 + 2*19100) / 25 = (241500+38200)/25 = 279700/25 = 11188 rounded to 10s: 11190

Stat Progression (Stat Calculation)

Stat Progression, like B-rating Progression, inherits directly from the Standard Progression and adds a modification:

  • For levels up to 75: the Progression Base Value is rounded before multiplying it with the Progression Multiplier.

Stat Progression functions as the base of all character level(traits/effects) and item level(item stats) based progressions.

Trait/Effect Progressions (Character Level based)

Trait/Effect Progressions are used in character level based stats which appear in trait trees, (skill)effects, etc. The remarkable change from Stat Progression is the omission of lower level points until level 105. This means that we get a straight progression line from level 1 to 105. The net result is a boost of these stats in the lower level area.

Point Number Character Level Progression Multiplier
1 1 1
2 105 225
3 106 270
4 115 450
5 116 495
6 120 1125
7 121 1575
8 130 3150


Vitality stat progression gets another change on top in the shape of an extra point at character level 50. With progression multiplier of 30 (instead of 1 per level = 50) this results in a nerf of Vitality at lower levels.
The character level 116 point is weirdly missing in this progression.

Point Number Character Level Progression Multiplier
1 1 1
2 50 30
3 105 225
4 106 270
5 115 450
6 120 1125
7 121 1575
8 130 3150

Item Progressions (Item Level based)

Item stat Progressions are item level based, but inherit from Stat Progression which is character level based. To do this, the item level needs to be converted. This is accomplished by using the following mapping table. Note that item level to character level conversion (or vice versa) may result in fractured numbers which must not be rounded.

Point Number Character Level Item Level
1 1 1
2 75 79
3 76 80
4 100 200
5 101 205
6 105 225
7 106 300
8 115 349
9 116 350
10 120 399
11 121 400
12 130 449

We can distinguish 3 item level based stat progressions.


This item stat progression adds 2 points (item level 25 and 50) and takes away 1 (item level 79).
The item level 205 point is not used as with all item stat progressions.
Item stat Progression Low is used for: Morale, Vitality.

Point Number Item Level Progression Multiplier
1 1 1
2 25 15.2
3 50 30
4 80 82.5
5 200 150
6 225 225
7 300 270
8 349 450
9 350 495
10 399 1125
11 400 1575
12 449 3150


This item stat progression adds a new point item level 25.
The item level 205 point is not used as with all item stat progressions.
Item stat Progression Medium is used for all, except the stats mentioned for Low & High.

Point Number Item Level Progression Multiplier
1 1 1
2 25 25
3 79 75
4 80 82.5
5 200 150
6 225 225
7 300 270
8 349 450
9 350 495
10 399 1125
11 400 1575
12 449 3150


This item stat progression makes no significant changes to its Stat Progression inheritance apart from the item level 205 point which is missing here as well.
Item stat Progression High is used for: ICMR, ICPR, NCMR, NCPR, Power.

Point Number Item Level Progression Multiplier
1 1 1
2 79 75
3 80 82.5
4 200 150
5 225 225
6 300 270
7 349 450
8 350 495
9 399 1125
10 400 1575
11 449 3150

Progression Adjustments

Most progressions receive adjustments targeted at specific stats in specific level ranges. These are values (can be seen as percentages) which need to be multiplied with the original progression points from the progressions above.

  • Character Level Main, Ratings Vitality
    1 1 1
    - - -
    - - -
    50 - 1
    75 - -
    76 - -
    100 - -
    101 - -
    105 0.8 1
    106 1 1
    115 1 1
    116 1 -
    120 1 0.8
    121 1 24/35
    130 0.9 38/63
  • Item Level L Morale L Vitality M Armour, Food-Resist. M Mitigations (old) M Main M Physical Mitigation M Ratings H ICMR, NCMR H Power, ICPR, NCPR
    1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1
    25 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 - -
    50 1 1 - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - -
    79 - - 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.04 1
    80 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 1
    200 1 1 1 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 1
    205 - - - - - - - - -
    225 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    349 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    350 1 95/99 1 1 1 1 1 95/99 120/110
    399 0.8 38/45 1 1 1 1 1 38/45 0.8
    400 22/35 76/105 0.9 1 1 0.9 1 76/105 22/35
    449 20/35 38/63 0.9 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 38/63 63/189

You can see that in the Mordor section, the expansion for which the system initially was designed, the progression is not changed at all. The 0.8s in lower sections also came initially. Later expansions came with more nerfs, especially to morale and power related stats.
U25.4 came with 0.5/50% nerfs for the lowest segment. These nerfs are not as serious as it looks here, as the amount of stat points on lower level items were adjusted as well.

Point Multiplier Values

PntMP values grouped and sorted by value. Multiplied with progression points, this results in the value for 1 stat point.
The final value from the number of stat points for main stats (Agility, Fate, Might, Vitality, Will) needs to be rounded down.

PntMP Value Group Main & Rating
351/13000 Main Agility, Fate, Might, Will
400/13000 Morale Morale
468/13000 Mastery Physical Mastery, Tactical Mastery
650/13000 Power Power
663/13000 CritHit Critical
780/13000 Ratings Block/Parry/Evade, Critical Defence, Finesse, Incoming Healing, Outgoing Healing, Resistance
24/380 TacMit Tactical Mitigation
27/380 Mitigations Physical/Tactical Mitigation (old)
45/380 PhyMit Physical Mitigation
1625/13000 Vitality Vitality
7800/13000 ICMR ICMR
9750/13000 ICPR ICPR
39000/13000 NCPR NCPR
78000/13000 NCMR NCMR

Stat Calculation Flow Diagram

This is an overview of how stats are calculated and of the inheritance of the various progressions.

See also